Sunday, September 7, 2008

Value for your Dollar

Your taxes are too high.

Guess what. Your taxes will always be too high. Mine, too. They may jump a bit or dip a bit, but we always wish we could pay less.

The question is, as long as you're paying taxes, wouldn't you like to get something for your money?

In the last eight years, despite all the money you’ve sent to Washington, the EPA has taken a vacation, the infrastructure of the country is falling apart, the Food and Drug Administration is understaffed, our food is unhealthy, our jobs have left the country, terrorism has gotten worse, world opinion of the U.S. has made it more difficult for us to lead the world community, gas is close to four dollars a gallon, we owe $9 trillion dollars, much of it to China, America’s home financing system has become a pyramid scheme, and we’re treating our soldiers, their families, and our veterans, like they’re broken cell phones we can just throw away.

And it gets worse. The National Guard, the Police and Fire Departments, and any benefits the cities and counties used to get, afterschool programs and preschool programs and music programs are rapidly disappearing, because the federal funds that used to help make these things happen, and the staffers that used to do the work, have been shipped off to Iraq.

That’s what you’ve gotten for your money.
I’m voting for Barack Obama not because of what my tax bill will be, but because, for once, I’d like to get something for my money.

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