I rent my home.
It’s not that I don’t want to own a house. It’s not that I don’t understand that home ownership is one of the keystones of our communities.
It’s that I can’t afford to buy a house.
My work supports me. But when I looked at the cost of houses, the crazy mortgage terms out there, the important additional budgeting you need for repair, maintenance and upgrading the property, and the insecurity of the business I’m in, I felt that it’d be irresponsible to buy a home.
If you bought your home, that’s terrific. I think it’s wonderful.
Now, here comes the tough part. I pay taxes. Including property taxes, by the way—they’re passed along in my rent. But why should my tax dollars be used to help out homeowners who got in over their heads?
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want anyone to go homeless, or needlessly suffer.
But while I’ve been living within my means, people have been going out and getting second and third mortgages, and buying themselves everything they “deserve.”
Life challenges all of us. All of us deserve the best.
But if you’ve just eaten a lavish gourmet meal, why should somebody who never entered the restaurant have to pick up the check?
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