Friday, July 11, 2008

From 3/16/08:

Another 5 tenths of a percent, and this would be a blowout.

To be totally upfront about this, let me start by saying, Barack Obama has the delegate lead he has, fair and square. He has the popular vote lead as well, fair and square.

So, why doesn’t Hillary just concede and quit?

Here’s one reason.

2.6%. That’s Obama’s lead in vote totals. Superdelegates have already started to say, “the voters have spoken, so we’ll go with Obama.”

Well, once again, here’s what the voters have said when they’ve spoken: 13.3 million for Barack, 12.6 million for Hillary. With Pennsylvania, and North Carolina still undecided, and however they resolve those pointless primaries in Michigan and Florida (whose votes obviously shouldn’t count, but something’s gotta be done.)

Yup. A clear consensus. Out of about 26 million votes, Barack Obama leads by about 700,000.

It’s March. The convention is this summer. I say, let's all take a nice deep breath. Everything will be just fine.

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