Saturday, July 12, 2008

I Hate to Nit-Pick

On July first, California's new "hands-free" cellphone law went into effect, requiring all drivers to use hands-free cellphones.

There are only 2 things wrong with the law:
1. Drivers aren't complying with it. I've seen dozens of fellow motorists zipping by with their hands welded to their ears; and

2. If everyone complies, it won't work. The National Safety Council did a study on the dangers of cellphone use while driving. Their conclusion? It's not what your HANDS are doing; it's what your HEAD is doing:

"The study found that driver distractions due to cell phone use can occur regardless whether hand­held or hands­free cell phones are used, and that cell conversations create much higher levels of driver distractions than listening the radio or audio books.

The authors suggest that banning hand­held devices, but permitting hands­free devices in motor vehicles is not likely to significantly reduce driver distractions associated with cell phone conversations."

Carnegie Mellon Professor Marcel Just told the Pennsylvania State Legislature the same thing, in March of this year.
But there are benefits. If you own a company that makes Bluetooth or other hands-free gadgets, this is a terrific law.
It's not that hands-free is a bad idea. It just doesn't solve the problem.

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